Automatically tag latest commit deployed

As we continue working and increasing our Salesforce projects, even the dynamic deployments can grow a lot between releases (around 1 month of development). So the build at the beginning of the release may take 5 to 10 minutes to deploy and run the specific tests, but by the end […]

Clean Up Your Docker Registry

Delete unused digests of docker images and save space If you’re using your docker registry to push continuous updates you’ve probably noticed that the disk mount space for the registry is gradually growing. It looks like it’s time to have a registry clean up. Here’s how to do it. First, […]

Automatic Join on Eloquent Models with relations setup

Since Eloquent doesn't do a real join when using "with" this will add a simple join method without having to worry about the join columns since it's all stored with the models anyway. It will also select all the columns from the joined table with an added prefix of the […]


With Применяется для жадной загрузки. То есть вместе с самой моделью Laravel загружает и связанные данные. Это полезно, если у вас есть коллекция моделей и для каждой вы хотите загрузить связанные данные. При жадной загрузке будет выполнен только один дополнительный запрос к базе данных. Пример User > hasMany > Post: […]

Which is the best Laravel cache driver for performance?

The Laravel cache can bring speed improvements to your web application. I compare the speed of each Laravel cache driver to see which is the best for performance. If you’re looking to improve the performance of your Laravel web application, then implementing a cache layer could be a good option. […]

Разбираем x.509 сертификат

Для начала рассмотрим вариант самоподписанного сертификата корневого уровня.Для упрощения задачи сгенерируем сертификат, который будет содержать только необходимые параметры: Версия сертификата Серийный номер Алгоритм подписи Сведения об издателе Дата начала действия сертификата Дата окончания действия сертификата Сведения о владельце Открытый ключ Сделать это можно с помощью библиотеки Bouncy Castle, следующим образом: […]

CORS request external redirect not allowed

The CORS request was responded to by the server with an HTTP redirect to a URL on a different origin than the original request, which is not permitted during CORS requests. For example, if the page https://service.tld/fetchdata were requested, and the HTTP response is «301 Moved Permanently», «307 Temporary Redirect», […]

WSL — How to run command as root?

Turns out there’s another command simply called wsl that lets you run arbitrary commands as arbitrary users: >wsl -u root -d Ubuntu-18.04 — echo «I am g$USER» I am groot N.B. you need to use separate args (instead of a string) for this one. -d is optional. You can change the default distro […]

UUID or GUID as Primary Keys? Be Careful!

I just read a post on ways to scale your database that hit home with me — the author suggests the use of UUIDs (similar to GUIDs) as the primary key (PK) of database tables. Reasons UUIDs are Good There are several reasons using a UUID as a PK would […]