Stop using git pull for deployment!

The problem You have a Git repository containing your project. You want to “deploy” that code when it changes. You’d rather not download the entire project from scratch for each deployment. The antipattern “I know, I’ll use git pull in my deployment script!” Stop doing this. Stop teaching other people […]

Ansible git add, commit and push. The missing piece in your pipeline.

As Network Automation Engineer I had to deal with complex CI/CD workflows for provisioning and maintaining multi-brand networks made up of hundreds of networking devices. In most cases (read — always) the CI/CD pipeline does template rendering, device configuration backups and collects pre and post check tests. While I could […]

How to Notify of Bamboo Deployment Status via Telegram

When developing the project, we prefer using messengers to simplify communication between team members. Which one do we use on a daily basis? This is Telegram which is considered to be the safest and most user-friendly messenger. It’s private enough, as all messages are encrypted, and compatible with all platforms. […]

Zero-downtime deployment with Docker

In this post I will share the process we went through at PerimeterX while searching for ways to speed up our main application deployment, with no downtime. Background Our environment is based, in large part, on Docker containers. We have a dynamic number of front-end CoreOS machines; each includes an […]

Error Lumen 5.7 | A Facade Root Has Not Been Set

A. The Problem This error found when i want to get data from my local mysql database. I was register mysql configuration in folder config like this, Picture 1. Registered mysql configuration in database.php file to simplify Then i go controller and call data in my database. i got error […]

Set all directories to 755, and all files to 644

If you need a quick way to reset your public_html data to 755 for directories and 644 for files, then you can use something like this: cd /home/user/domains/ . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; additionally, if you know php runs […]

Directly connect to PHP-FPM

During debugging, we often need to isolate problem first to make sure if its really PHP problem or Nginx is doing something wrong. In those cases, cgi-fcgi command might come handy. Installing cgi-fcgi of Ubuntu Just run following command: apt-get install libfcgi0ldbl Connect to PHP-FPM Directly Assuming you are running […]

How to run an Ansible playbook locally

using Ansible command line: ansible-playbook —connection=local playbook.yml using inventory: ansible_connection=local using Ansible configuration file: [defaults] transport = local using playbook header: — hosts: connection: localThe first option only works as ansible-playbook —connection=local —inventory, playbook.ymlComma is essential, otherwise it’s treated like file name.

Ansible: ввод sudo-пароля при выполнении playbook

Большинство действий в наборах инструкций системы управления конфигурациями Ansible следует выполнять с привилегиями суперпользователя. Давайте разберемся с вариантами ввода sudo-пароля при выполнении playbook’ов! Самый простой способ — отключить необходимость ввода пароля при использовании sudo. Делается это в конфигурационном файле /etc/sudoers, где нужно добавить (или раскомментировать) строку: … %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: […]

Создание учетной записи пользователя и пароля для нового дистрибутива Linux

Когда вы включите WSL и установите дистрибутив Linux из Microsoft Store, при открытии установленного дистрибутива Linux вам нужно будет сразу создать учетную запись и указать имя пользователя и пароль. Эти имя пользователя и пароль относятся к дистрибутиву Linux и не связаны с именем пользователя Windows. После создания этого имени пользователя […]