Patterns: Specification

Specification pattern is my favorite one! It unites Domain-Driven Design, application architecture modeling, entity framework — all cool things. Specification pattern is designed to order business rules and connect your code to your business terms. In this article I will show an example of implementation and how this pattern is powerful with Entity Framework.

For begging, we need to describe our model:

public sealed class User
	public User()
		Contacts = new List<Contact>();
	public int Id { get; set; }
	public string Login { get; set; }
	public bool IsActive { get; set; }
	public ICollection<Contact> Contacts { get; }
public abstract class Contact
	public int Id { get; set; }
	public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public class Phone : Contact
	public string PhoneCode { get; set; }
	public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public class Email : Contact
	public string Value { get; set; }

It’s simple, but good enough for example. Here we add some Entity Framework magic and create data context:

public sealed class Context : DbContext
	public Context(DbContextOptions builderOptions)
	protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
		modelBuilder.Entity<User>().HasMany(o => o.Contacts).WithOne();

Now we can use SQL Server as a storage.

Well-designed application requires separation of storage and model, so we introduce domain repository for User class:

public interface IUserRepository
	void Add(User user);
	User Get(int id);
public sealed class UserRepository : IUserRepository
	private readonly Context _context;
	public UserRepository(Context context)
		_context = context;
	public void Add(User user)
	public User Get(int id)
		return _context.Set<User>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == id);

It looks like standard application, nothing special. Interesting part begins, when you need to query your storage. Let’s look at the most common ways.

Query filters

  • Find all users with active phones
  • Find all users by login prefix
  • Find all users by phone number


The simplest way — expose method with IQueryable<User> and allow developer to query by any condition:

public interface IUserRepository
	void Add(User user);
	User Get(int id);
	IQueryable<User> Query();
public sealed class UserRepository : IUserRepository
	private readonly Context _context;
	public UserRepository(Context context)
		_context = context;
	public void Add(User user)
	public User Get(int id)
		return _context.Set<User>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == id);
	public IQueryable<User> Query()
		return _context.Set<User>();

With Query method, you can filter as you want:

public static void Search(IUserRepository repository)
	var users1 = repository.Query()
		.Where(o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && c.IsActive))
	var users2 = repository.Query()
		.Where(o => o.Login.StartsWith("log"))
	var users3 = repository.Query()
		.Where(o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && (c as Phone).PhoneNumber == "111-22-33"))

This is fast and simple solution, but it has disadvantages:

  • You need to repeat code every time, when you need to reuse the condition. It’s not very good technique: you can forget to change condition at some place and so on — all disadvantages of code repetition.
  • Business logic is distributed in code. You can’t enumerate all business requirements in code, because all filters are used in different parts of application.
  • Hard testable. You can’t check your business logic separately from storage.


We can try to eliminate all disadvantages of previous way and incapsulate all query filter in some extensions class:

public static class UserQueryExtensions
	public static IEnumerable<User> FindWithActivePhones(this IQueryable<User> query)
		return query.Where(o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && c.IsActive))
	public static IEnumerable<User> FindWithLoginPrefix(this IQueryable<User> query, string prefix)
		return query.Where(o => o.Login.StartsWith(prefix))
	public static IEnumerable<User> FindWithPhoneNumber(this IQueryable<User> query, string phoneNumber)
		return query.Where(o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && (c as Phone).PhoneNumber == phoneNumber))
public static void Search(IUserRepository repository)
	var users1 = repository.Query().FindWithActivePhones();
	var users2 = repository.Query().FindWithLoginPrefix("log");
	var users3 = repository.Query().FindWithPhoneNumber("111-22-33");

It looks much better! We don’t need to repeat code anymore, we have all filters in one place. And also, it can be tested:

public void FindWithActivePhonesTest()
	var user = new User
		Id = 1,
		Login = "login"
	user.Contacts.Add(new Phone { IsActive = true, PhoneNumber = "123-321" });
	var queryable = new[] { user }.AsQueryable();
	var result = queryable.FindWithActivePhones();
	CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, result.Select(o => o.Id));

Our repository still gives us Query method, that is not good, I think, because, it leads to uncontrolled usage. So, we can move logic to repository:


Just move all query methods to repository:

public interface IUserRepository
	void Add(User user);
	User Get(int id);
	IEnumerable<User> FindWithActivePhones();
	IEnumerable<User> FindWithLoginPrefix(string prefix);
	IEnumerable<User> FindWithPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber);
public sealed class UserRepository : IUserRepository
	private readonly Context _context;
	public UserRepository(Context context)
		_context = context;
	public void Add(User user)
	public User Get(int id)
		return _context.Set<User>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == id);
	public IEnumerable<User> FindWithActivePhones()
		return _context.Set<User>().Where(o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && c.IsActive))
	public IEnumerable<User> FindWithLoginPrefix(string prefix)
		return _context.Set<User>().Where(o => o.Login.StartsWith(prefix))
	public IEnumerable<User> FindWithPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber)
		return _context.Set<User>().Where(o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && (c as Phone).PhoneNumber == phoneNumber))
public static void Search(IUserRepository repository)
	var users1 = repository.FindWithActivePhones();
	var users2 = repository.FindWithLoginPrefix("log");
	var users3 = repository.FindWithPhoneNumber("111-22-33");

No dangerous Query method. But it’s hard to test — filter methods are strongly connected to storage and Entity Framework.

Also, filters can be used only in storage access. What if I want to check newly created entity? Or entity, I get from client? I want to check it through my business rules. Impossible. With some additional code, it can be made with extensions method, but remember about Query method.

Actually, we can stop here, because it’s enough in 99% of cases. Read on, if you use Domain-Driven development, Entity Framework (or, another CRM), need unit testing.


Ok, first of all, describe all requirements we want to get:

  • Keep business rules in one place and don’t repeat
  • Filters are separated from storage (use not only in repository)
  • Filters can be easily tested

The heart of the pattern is specification — special object with business rule.

public interface ISpecification<T>
	Expression<Func<T, bool>> IsSatisfiedBy { get; }

Where T is a business entity class (User in our example). Repository has one method, that work with specification:

public interface IUserRepository
	void Add(User user);
	User Get(int id);
	IEnumerable<User> Get(ISpecification<User> specification);
public sealed class UserRepository : IUserRepository
	private readonly Context _context;
	public UserRepository(Context context)
		_context = context;
	public void Add(User user)
	public User Get(int id)
		return _context.Set<User>().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == id);
	public IEnumerable<User> Get(ISpecification<User> specification)
		return _context.Set<User>()

Entity Framework allows us to use LINQ to SQL with extensions method. Here, we interested in Where method with filter predicate:

public static IQueryable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate)

Implement our specifications:

public class ActivePhonesSpecification : ISpecification<User>
	public Expression<Func<User, bool>> IsSatisfiedBy =>
		o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && c.IsActive);
public class LoginPrefixSpecification : ISpecification<User>
	public LoginPrefixSpecification(string prefix)
		IsSatisfiedBy = o => o.Login.StartsWith(prefix);
	public Expression<Func<User, bool>> IsSatisfiedBy { get; }
public class PhoneNumberSpecification:ISpecification<User>
	public PhoneNumberSpecification(string phoneNumber)
		IsSatisfiedBy = o => o.Contacts.Any(c => c is Phone && (c as Phone).PhoneNumber == phoneNumber);
	public Expression<Func<User, bool>> IsSatisfiedBy { get; }

Look, we describe our business rules in one place. They are separated from storage and we work with domain objects.

public static void Search(IUserRepository repository)
	var users1 = repository.Get(new ActivePhonesSpecification());
	var users2 = repository.Get(new LoginPrefixSpecification("log"));
	var users3 = repository.Get(new PhoneNumberSpecification("111-22-33"));


public void FindWithActivePhonesTest()
	var user = new User
		Id = 1,
		Login = "login"
	user.Contacts.Add(new Phone { IsActive = true, PhoneNumber = "123-321" });
	var queryable = new[] { user }.AsQueryable();
	var specification = new ActivePhonesSpecification();
	var result = queryable.Where(specification.IsSatisfiedBy);
	CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] { 1 }, result.Select(o => o.Id));

Working with objects without storage:

public void FindWithActivePhonesTest()
	var user = new User
		Id = 1,
		Login = "login"
	user.Contacts.Add(new Phone { IsActive = true, PhoneNumber = "123-321" });
	var specification = new ActivePhonesSpecification();

As an improvement, you can pre-compile method from expression, or make it lazy-loaded.

As for me, in this solution, all parts are perfectly combined:

  • DDD describes models, repositories and rules
  • Entity Framework and LINQ make easy asses to data
  • Specification stores rules separated from storage layer