Call all classes that implement an interface in Symfony

The best way is to implement CompilerPass. Here is an example . So, create a registry class (TransportChain class in that example), interface, and all classes that implements that interface, define them as services and give them tag name. After that, you can call that registry service in your action, and call your desired method by each service.

Basic example:


interface SomeInterface {
   public function doSomething();

Service 1:

class First implement SomeInterface {
    public function doSomething() {
        // do smth

Service 2:

class Second implement SomeInterface {
    public function doSomething() {
        // do smth

Registry class:

class MyRegistry
    private $services = [];
    public function addMyService($service)
        $this->services[] = $service;
    public function all()
        return $this->services;


   $myServices = $container->findTaggedServiceIds('my_tag');
    if (empty($myServices)) {
    $registry = $container->getDefinition('my_registry');
    foreach ($myServices as $key => $myService) {
        $registry->addMethodCall('add', [new Reference($key)]);

After clearign the cache, you can call them in your action:

foreach ($this->get('my_registry')->all() as $myService) {

The whole other stuff, like declaring services, give them tag name, registering your compiler pass has been written here.