Reverse-engineering Instagram to access the private API

This is how I reverse engineered the Instagram app + included linux binaries to locate the private key used for signing requests to their private API and therefore allowing access to uploading photos and fewer rate limits.

It posed as a challenge and I was also itnerested in working out how these 3rd party clients actually upload to Instagram’s servers.

What signing algorithm does Instagram use?

For all requests to their private API Instagram signs the post data with HMAC-SHA256 and passes this in the parameter signed_body using the format signed_body=signed.postdata for example signed_body=nc8e1774526bf84b58bb4ffebb357bddb822a5183e0355db1effc2dad47107a29.{"_uuid":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","password":"password","username":"will","device_id":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","_csrftoken":"missing"}

Getting the key for the HMAC-SHA256 hash

  1. Pull the Instagram apk off your device (make sure USB debugging is enabled in Settings->Developer)
    1. Run adb shell pm path to get the path of the Instagram app.
    2. Run adb pull PATH_FROM_ABOVE to pull the apk.
  2. Decompile the apk using apktool: ./apktool d
  3. Navigate to the decompiled smali code directory cd
  4. Find the file that makes requests grep -r "" .
  5. Open that file nano FILE_LOCATION_RETURNED_ABOVE
  6. Navigate to the lien starting with .method public static b(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
  7. Change the line below from .locals 5 to .locals 6
  8. Two lines below .line 70 insert the following code to log the key (comign from variable v0 which is returned from the getInstagramString function in the code above):
    const-string v5, «LOGGING»
    invoke-static {v5, v0}, Landroid/util/Log;->d(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I
  9. Save the file and exit nano
  10. Navigate back to the apktool directory cd ../..
  11. Build the apk ./apktool b
  12. Navigate to the built apk location cd
  13. Create a signing key keytool -genkey -v -keystore android.keystore
  14. Sign the apk jarsigner -verbose -keystore android.keystore mykey
  15. Verify the apk zipalign -f -v 4 instagram.apk
  16. Push the apk to your device’s sdcard adb -d push instagram.apk /sdcard/instagram.apk
  17. Install the apk on your phone.
  18. Start logcat on your computer adb -d logcat | grep "LOGGING"
  19. Open the instagram app, login and the private key will be returned.

Making requests

We can create a simple Ruby app to simulate a login:

require openssl
require base64
require json
require httpclient
http = => useragent)
key = «« #The Private key
login_info = {:guid => «00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000«,
:password => «PASSWORD«,
:username => «USERNAME«,
:device_id => «android-0000000000000000«,
:_csrftoken => «missing«
signed_body = «#{Digest::HMAC.hexdigest(login_info, key, Digest::SHA256)}.#{login_info}«
post_data = {:signed_body => signed_body, :ig_sig_key_version => 4}
result =««, post_data, «Content-Type« => «application/json«)
p result.body

Hopefully the login will be successful, you can then request other locations in the private API (sniff the Instagram app to find these endpoints and the required post data.)